Qualify & Score Your B2B Leads. Turbocharged.

ProspectLens is an API-first solution that enables GTM engineers and tech-savvy sales teams to make better decisions by providing company-level insights.
Company name in ➡️ JSON out.

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🔥 500+ teams already enriching their data

ployee_count FROM departments d LEFT JOIN employees e ON d.department_id = e.department_id GROUP BY d.department_name HAVING employee_count > 10 ORDER BY employee_count DESC SELECT d.department_name, COUNT(e.employee_id) as em
ESC, comment_count DESC SELECT u.name, COUNT(DISTINCT p.post_id) as post_count, COUNT(DISTINCT c.comment_id) as comment_count FROM users u LEFT JOIN posts p ON u.user_id = p.user_id LEFT JOIN comments c ON u.user_id = c.user_id GROUP BY u.name HAVING post_count >= 5 AND comment_count >= 10 ORDER BY post_count D
tag_name ORDER BY related_post_count DESC SELECT t1.tag_name, COUNT(t2.post_id) as related_post_count FROM tags t1 JOIN post_tags pt1 ON t1.tag_id = pt1.tag_id JOIN post_tags pt2 ON pt1.post_id = pt2.post_id AND pt1.tag_id != pt2.tag_id JOIN tags t2 ON pt2.tag_id = t2.tag_id GROUP BY t1.
_id = p.product_id GROUP BY order_year, order_month SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, MONTH(o.order_date) as order_month, SUM(od.quantity * p.price) as total_sales FROM orders o JOIN order_details od ON o.order_id = od.order_id JOIN products p ON od.product
tudent_id, s1.name, s2.course_id HAVING average >= 80 ORDER BY average DESC SELECT s1.student_id, s1.name, s2.course_id, AVG(s2.grade) as average FROM students s1 INNER JOIN student_courses s2 ON s1.student_id = s2.student_id GROUP BY s1.s
as book_count, AVG(r.rating) as average_rating FROM authors a JOIN books b ON a.author_id = b.author_id JOIN book_ratings r ON b.book_id = r.book_id GROUP BY a.author_name HAVING book_count > 10 ORDER BY average_rating DESC SELECT a.author_name, COUNT(b.book_id)
r_id) as customer_count FROM products p1 JOIN order_details od1 ON p1.product_id = od1.product_id JOIN orders o ON od1.order_id = o.order_id JOIN order_details od2 ON o.order_id = od2.order_id AND od1.product_id != od2.product_id JOIN products p2 ON od2.product_id = p2.product_id GROUP BY p1.name, p2.name ORDER BY customer_count DESC SELECT p1.name as product, p2.name as related_product, COUNT(distinct o.custome
id = e.city_id GROUP BY c.name HAVING event_count >= 5 ORDER BY total_attendees DESC SELECT c.name, COUNT(e.event_id) as event_count, SUM(e.attendees) as total_attendees FROM cities c JOIN events e ON c.city_
= b.date WHERE a.date >= '2022-01-01' AND a.date <= '2022-12-31' GROUP BY a.room_id, a.date HAVING booking_count < a.capacity ORDER BY a.date SELECT a.room_id, a.date, COUNT(b.booking_id) as booking_count FROM availability a LEFT JOIN bookings b ON a.room_id = b.room_id AND a.date

Retrieve company data as pure JSON

ProspectLens is like having a smart AI assistant who researches every prospect company name in Google and saves its notes in JSON format.

Simple UI to run API calls

You don't need to integrate ProspectLens deep into your system to start using it: simple self-hosted realtime dashboard is available: Github


The power of web scraping technology at your fingertips

ProspectLens leverages modern web scraping solutions, along with intelligent AI algorithms, to deliver clean and accurate data on companies.

Trusted by one of the world’s most effective heads of RevOps.

Transistor Reform Tuple SavvyCal

Your data stays yours

ProspectLens only needs to access company domain name to provide information.

Get support

We're here to help you get the most out of ProspectLens. Email support is available within 24h.

Designed to be integrated

ProspectLens is built to be seamlessly integrated into CRM of your choice.


Supercharge your sales pipeline today

ProspectLens offers transparent pricing and has a free Demo plan and 3 paid plans. API subscription is handled via RapidAPI and APIRoad marketplaces. Get started



  • 50 API lookup requests
  • No additional requests
  • Rate limit: 15 requests per minute



  • 3500 API lookup requests
  • $0.01 overage request
  • Rate limit: 20 requests per minute



  • 15K API lookup requests
  • $0.006 overage request
  • Rate limit: 30 requests per minute



  • 50K API lookup requests
  • $0.003 overage request
  • Rate limit: 40 requests per minute

Frequently asked questions

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